
There are trillions of rupees of wealth in India, lying in unproductive assets, losing value over time. We will help millions of Indians do better with their wealth. We will help them participate confidently in the public markets and build generational wealth through the power of compounding. We will help them invest by providing the right financial education to make the right investment decisions at the right time. We will do this through a seamless digital platform that will bring together the best of cutting-edge technology, intuitive design, ease and safety. Trading in international currencies is a global market where about $1.9 trillion is circulated in a day. It is one of the largest financial markets in the whole world. MNCs, banks, other financial institutions purchase and sell large volumes of currencies in order to cater to the international trade demands. Regular traders also invest and trade in the currency market so that they can capitalize on minor fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. Currency traders also predict and speculate so as to trade on anticipated fluctuations in the currency market. Bobby Investments is a non-banking financial company. Earlier named The Investment Corporation of India,the company is primarily involved in investing in long-term investments such as equity shares and equity-related securities. Investing is a successful approach to use your money in possible to increase your fortune. Your money may grow and outpace influctiation if you make wise investment discussion. The power of compounding and the trade of between risk and return is the main reasons investment has higher growth potential.

Momentum of investing.

Momentum investing is generally to buy stocks that are currently run into a short-term upraising, and they usually sell them once this momentum starts to decrease. Stocks or securities purchased for momentum investing are often characterized by demonstrating consistently high returns Momentum investing also involves short-selling securities of stocks that are experiencing a downward trend, because it is believed that these stocks will continue to decrease in value. Essentially, momentum investing generally relies on the principle that a consistently up-trending stock will continue to grow, while a consistently down-trending stock will continue to fall.

Growth Investing

Growth investors will invest by their believe are likely to have higher earnings or greater value in the future. To identify such stocks, growth investors often evaluate measures of current stock value as well as predictions of future financial performance.

Disclaimer for Stock Trading

Stock trading business is carried by bobby investments, a broker and Deposit Participant registered with Securities Exchange Board of India and offers various Products/services related to Securities market (Securities market products/services). Bobby investment me rely facilitates display of we blink on its web page

When you opt to avail the Securities market products /services of Bobby Investments by clicking on the bobby investment we blink. You will be redirected to bobby investment webpage for initiation and completion of the transaction. You are supposed to exercise independent diligence by reading all the related documents carefully before deciding to invest in Securities market Products /service. Securities market Products /services are made available only at the discretion of bobby investment Land subject to the individual contractual terms and conditions of the respective Securities market products/services. You shall be the sole owner of any decision to invest in any bobby investment Securities market products/services.

Securities market products/services may be withdrawn or amended at any time by bobby investment without notice and your recourse in such case would be directly to reach out

Bobby investments are financial advisory, consultancy services and providing investment solutions to Retail and Corporate customers. Bobby investment does not offer or advice on Securities market products/services and shall not be liable or responsible for any of your investment decision.

Real Estate

Real estate investments are often broadly defined as investments in physical, tangible spaces that can be utilized. Land can be built on, office buildings can be occupied, warehouses can store inventory, and residential properties can house families. Real estate investments may encompass acquiring sites, developing sites for specific uses, or purchasing ready-to-occupy operating sites.

In some contexts, real estate may broadly encompass certain types of investments that may yield commodities. For example, an investor can invest in farmland; in addition to reaping the reward of land value appreciation, the investment earns a return based on the crop yield and operating income.


A share of stock is a piece of ownership of a public or private company. By owning stock, the investor may be entitled to dividend distributions generated from the net profit of the company. As the company becomes more successful and other investors seek to buy that company's stock, it's value can also appreciate and be sold for capital gains. The two primary types of stocks to invest in our common stock and preferred stock. Common stock often includes voting right and participation eligibility in certain matters. Preferred stock often have first claim to dividends and must be paid before common shareholders. In addition, stocks are often classified as being either growth or value investments. Investments in growth stocks is the strategy of investing in a company while it is small and before it achieves market success. Investment in value stocks is the strategy of investing in a more established company whose stock price may not appropriate value the company.

The two primary types of stocks to invest in our common stock and preferred stock. Common stock often includes voting right and participation eligibility in certain matters. Preferred stock often have first claim to dividends and must be paid before common shareholders.

In addition, stocks are often classified as being either growth or value investments. Investments in growth stocks is the strategy of investing in a company while it is small and before it achieves market success. Investment in value stocks is the strategy of investing in a more established company whose stock price may not appropriate value the company.

Bonds/Fixed-Income Securities

A bond is an investment that often demands an upfront investment, then pays a reoccurring amount over the life of the bond. Then, when the bond matures, the investor receives the capital invested into the bond back. Similar to debt, bond investments are a mechanism for certain entities to raise money. Many government entities and companies issue bonds; then, investors can contribute capital to earn a yield.


Ethics – “We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous or more philanthropic than others, but we think, we started on sound and straightforward business principles considering the interest of the shareholders, our own health and welfare of our employees… the sure foundation of our prosperity” Values and principles borne from bobby investment beliefs which have governed we have been strengthened through the implementation of the bobby investment Code of Conduct, which was first formally articulated in 1998. This Code is intended to serve as a guide to each employee on the values, ethics and business principles expected of him or her in personal and professional conduct.

Values –

1.SIMPLE : we believe in simplifying investments.

2.ADAPTABLE : we respond with agility.

3.ACCOUNTABLE : we own our actions.

4.TRUST WORTHY : we work towards nurturing and strengthening relationships.

5.HAPPY : we make every experience worth it.

6.INNOVATIVE: we discover new ways of powering investments.

7.CODE OF CONDUCT FOR NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS: Non-Executive Directors of a company will always act in the interest of the company and ensure that any other business or personal association, which they may have, does not involve any conflict of interest with the operations of the company and their role therein. Non-Executive directors will comply with all applicable laws and regulations of all the relevant regulatory and other authorities as may be applicable to them in their individual capacities. Non-Executive directors will safeguard the confidentiality of all information received by them by virtue of their position.

Things to Check before Choosing Investment Plans

• Goals

The monetary goals of the investor should determine what type of scheme they should buy. These goals may include marriage, buying a house, or a car, providing for children's education and marriage, or building a corpus amount. Even small-term goals such as foreign trips can be financed by ULIPs.

• Current Expenses vs. Savings

To meet the financial goals the amount an investor spends in an investment plan or saves has a larger role to play. With less saving and more expenses, it is unlikely that s/he can define large short-term goals that can be met by coverage plans.

• Future Expenses vs. Savings

The amount saved for the future will also determine what kind of investment plan works as the best for the investor. If the investor has fewer expenses now because the children are young, s/he can plan for the major expenses that will come his/her way in a few years like the children's college education or marriage.

• Major Expenses that may arise

These schemes are a smart way to get the cover an investor needs and also grows his/her fund at the same time through the best saving schemes. The major expenses like buying a house or to meet the living expenses after the investor retires can be easily covered by ULIPs and even endowment plans.